
Being in Police or Corrections custody can be daunting. We will undertake a bail application and ensure the best proposal is put forward to achieve this.

A bail application that is not put forward correctly in the first instance may cause you a lot of problems in the future.

Given that you may be on bail for up to two years before a trial, it is important your criminal lawyer can address the concerns that the Court has, in an effective way.

We will assist you to ensure the best chance of a successful bail application, ensuring that any bail conditions are the least restrictive on your freedom.  We also advise you whether you can get a rehearing or an appeal if your bail application is declined.

We can help with the following bail issues:

  • Curfews
  • Electronically monitored bail
  • No alcohol/drugs conditions
  • Overseas travel while on bail
  • What to do if you have breached a condition of your bail
  • Changing your bail conditions when your situation has changed
  • Bail to attend a drug or alcohol rehabilitation facility
  • Bail appeals or a rehearing